Frequently Asked Questions

Can I have any shape and colour?

First things first, it’s important to know that your natural shape, bone structure and natural skin tone will influence your design and colour choices during your pre draw. It’s also important to know that something you love one someone else wont always suit you too. All shapes and design is 100% bespoke to you, I can as an artist tweak the area to improve symmetry - but I never guarantee complete or perfect symmetry.

No one is symmetrical or perfect and you will always be asked to approve and authorise your pre draws before going ahead with any treatment.

Can I breast feed/be pregnant while having a PMU treatment?

No, no treatment will be carried out on any clients who are or could be pregnant or breastfeeding.

Can I still go to the gym daily/use my normal face creams/have a face peel/go on a sunbed?

If you will be exposing your brows to sunlight or sun beds post after care procedure, have oily skin, use anti-ageing creams, retina/retinol products, acidic cleansers, natural elements, regular chemical peels, or exercise frequently, your PMU cosmetics will fade prematurely.

Can microblading be done on oily skin?

No, the excess oils prematurely fade and blur the PMU hair strokes, machine method treatments are better for this skin type.

What are the common contradictions to prevent me having a PMU treatment?

  Diabetes type 1 & 2

Epilepsy within the last 2 years

Roacutane use within the last year

Blood thinners

Pregnancy or Breastfeeding

Hepatitis (A, B, C, D)


Skin Damage

Diseases & Disorders of the skin

Heart Disease

A positive Covid-19 test within 2 weeks of your treatment

Received a Covid-19 vaccination 2 weeks before your appointment

Excessive use of alcohol or caffeine the day of your treatment or the day before the procedure

Tanning, the use of sunbeds or having sunburn on any areas of your planned treatment, you are recommended to avoid both 30 days before and after your treatment

I’ve heard being on your period makes it hurt more?

Whilst on your menstrual cycle, you may become hyper-sensitive at the procedure site prior to your treatment

Do you use numbing creams?

Currently not on the brows or lips - however you can buy Emla over the counter at all pharmacies and apply it before coming to see me

Why do I require a skin test?

Patch tests are a requirement, without one you will be refused treatment and will required to forfeit your pre paid booking fee - a new booking fee will be required to re book an appointment

Do I have to fill in consent forms and provide a medical history

You are required to complete and return all forms a 1 week prior to your treatment going ahead. The medical history is to ensure you are healthy and have no contraindications prior to going ahead with a treatment. No PMU treatment is worth putting your health at risk. It is very rare and unlikely you will be turned away.